yamashiro takane
Business Youkai of the Mountain's Recess
The 2nd stage boss in Touhou Unconnected Marketeers. She is a yamawaro (a cousin species to the kappa that live in the mountains) capable of manipulating forest qi. The yamawaro and the kappa have maintained a healthy rivalry, so she is often seen with Kawashiro Nitori.
She has medium green hair (although sometimes cut shorter to make her look like Nitori), covered by a darker green or blueish cap; a green camouflage-colored skirt set, a brown backpack hold tight by some strings attached to a key, and brown boots.
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The following tags implicate this tag: yamashiro_takane_(yamawaro) (learn more).
Touhou未连接的营销商的第二阶段老板。她是一个能够操纵森林Qi的Yamawaro(居住在山上的Kappa的堂兄)。 Yamawaro和Kappa保持了健康的竞争,因此经常与Kawashiro Nitori见面。