A bladed weapon designed for cutting or thrusting. They are typically composed of a hilt and a blade with one or two edges that can be straight or curved; most, but not all, swords have a pointed tip. The hilt, in turn, consists of a guard, a grip, and in most designs a pommel. The guard can be a crossguard like in a typical knight's sword, a disc like the tsuba of a katana, or some more complex design.
It is a weapon strongly associated with elite warriors such as knights and samurai.
Related tags
Actions / Poses
- attack trail
- drawing sword
- dual wielding
- hand on hilt
- hands on hilt
- holding sword
- planted sword
- pointing sword
- ready to draw
- stab
- sword over shoulder
- sword in front of face
- half-swording
- unsheathing
Western/European swords
Japanese swords
Fantasy swords
Named swords
- Caliburn
- Dark Repulser
- Dragonslayer
- Ea
- Elucidator
- Excalibur (mythology)
- Excalibur (fate/stay night)
- Excalibur (fate/prototype)
- Luck and Pluck
- Onigari-no-Ryuuou
- Sword of Dios
- Szczerbiec
- Tetsusaiga
- Yamato
- Zangetsu
The following tags are aliased to this tag: swords (learn more).
This tag implicates weapon (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: broken_sword, crossed_swords, crystal_sword, energy_sword, floating_sword, gladius, greatsword, holding_sword, katana, minecraft_sword, planted_sword, rapier, saber_(weapon), scimitar, shinai, short_sword, shotel, sword_behind_back, sword_on_back, sword_over_shoulder, two-handed_sword, wakizashi, winged_sword, wooden_sword, and zweihander (learn more).
以下标签暗示此标签:brokar_sword,crossed_swords,crystal_sword,energy_sword,floating_sword,floating_sword,gladius,greatsword,holding_sword,katana,minecraft_sword,planted_sword,planted_sword,rapier,rapier,saber_(武器) sword_over_shoulder,二手_sword,wakizashi,winged_word,wooden_word和zweihander(了解更多)。