
A type of monster girl resembling a sea octopus, most commonly taking the form in Japanese works of a human upper torso and tentacles for legs.

Named after a Greek mythological monster that has had many varying descriptions over the centuries. One later mythological version of the scylla was more or less a mermaid whose serpentine-like lower half was surrounded by snapping dog heads. For that character, use scylla (mythology) instead.

Other names associated with octopus girls are Cecaelia and Dagon.

Notable Scyllas


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以希腊神话中的怪物命名,几个世纪以来对该怪物有许多不同的描述。后来的一个神话版本的锡拉或多或少是一条美人鱼,其蛇形的下半身被折断的狗头包围。对于该角色,请使用 scylla(神话)。
类型 角色
英文名 scylla
日文名 スキュラ
别名 Scylla;スキュラ;スキュラ;タコ娘