maya fey

A main character of Ace Attorney. Spirit medium who bodily transforms into whoever she is channeling. Younger sister of Mia Fey and daughter of the famous spirit medium Misty Fey. Works as assistant manager and co-counsel for defense attorney Phoenix Wright.

Channels the spirit of Mia to help out with difficult cases (post #2401722). Due to differences in clothing size, she ends up showing a lot of cleavage whenever this happens. In any image depicting this, tag both characters.

She has long black hair in a half updo, with blunt bangs parted at the center, and wears large purple beads as hair ornaments on her long sidelocks. She wears the traditional Japanese clothes of a spirit medium, which in her case include a short, off-white kimono with a pink obi; a purple hanten; and a yellow magatama necklace.

Japanese Name: Mayoi Ayasato

The following tags are aliased to this tag: ayasato_mayoi (learn more).

《逆转裁判》的主要角色。灵媒,身体可以转变为她所引导的人。米娅·菲的妹妹,著名灵媒米斯蒂·菲的女儿。担任辩护律师菲尼克斯·赖特 (Phoenix Wright) 的助理经理和联席律师。


类型 unknown
英文名 maya fey
别名 綾里真宵;绫里真宵;ナルマヨ