kinomoto sakura
Titular character from the anime and manga Cardcaptor Sakura.
Sakura is introduced as a 10-year-old girl who lives in the town of Tomoeda in Japan, where she attends Tomoeda Elementary School during the Clow Card Arc and Sakura Card Arc storylines. In Clear Card Arc storyline, she is a freshman attending Tomoeda Middle School.
For all of her tagged costume chartags, see the list of Cardcaptor Sakura characters.
- Clow card
- Sakura card
- Clear card
- Fuuin no Tsue, her "Sealing Wand."
- Hoshi no Tsue, her "Star Wand."
- Yume no Tsue, her "Dream Wand."
- Sakura hime, (Look alike character from Tsubasa Chronicle)
小樱被介绍为一名住在日本友枝田镇的 10 岁女孩,在《库洛卡牌篇》和《樱花牌篇》故事情节期间,她就读于友枝田小学。在《透明卡片篇》的故事情节中,她是友枝中学的一年级学生。