kino no tabi
Kino no Tabi (キノの旅, lit. Kino's Journey) is a Japanese light novel series written by Keiichi Sigsawa and illustrated by Kuroboshi Kouhaku, first published in 2000. An anime adaptation produced by Genco has aired in April 2003 and a second anime adaptation produced by Egg Firm has aired in October 2017.
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《Kino no Tabi》(キノの旅,字面意思是《Kino's Journey》)是由西格泽敬一创作、黑星红白负责插画的日本轻小说系列,于 2000 年首次出版。由 Genco 制作的动画改编于 2003 年 4 月播出,第二部动画改编于 2003 年 4 月播出。由 Egg Firm 制作,已于 2017 年 10 月播出。