adachi to shimamura

Adachi to Shimamura (安達としまむら) is a light novel series by Iruma Hitoma (入間人間) that centers around the friendship between two high-school girls, Adachi and Shimamura. The story outlines their everyday events and contains mild yuri themes. It began as a series in Vol. 28 of 電撃文庫MAGAZINE (Dengeki Bunko Magazine) in March 2013. Since then, ten volumes have been published by ASCII Media Works with Non (のん) as the illustrator.

There are two manga adaptions; a 3 volume 2013 one illustrated by Mani, which was serialized online via Square Enix's Gangan Online website, and the other, an ongoing adaptation that began in 2019 with illustrations by Yuzuhara moke. There is also a 12 episode anime adaption by Tezuka Productions which aired Fall of 2020.


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安达としまむら(安达としまむら)是入间人间(入间人间)的轻小说系列,以两个高中女生安达和岛村之间的友谊为中心。这个故事概述了他们的日常活动,并包含温和的百合主题。它开始于卷中的系列。 2013年3月出版《电撃文库MAGAZINE》(电击文库杂志)第28卷。此后,由Non(のん)担任插画师的ASCII Media Works出版了十卷。

有两种漫画改编; 2013 年共 3 卷,其中一本由 Mani 绘制插图,通过 Square Enix 的 Gangan Online 网站在线连载,另一本则于 2019 年开始改编,由 Yuzuhara moke 绘制插图。还有由手冢制作公司制作的 12 集动画改编作品,于 2020 年秋季播出。
类型 作品
英文名 adachi to shimamura
日文名 安達と島村
别名 安達與島村;安達としまむら